Europrogettazione, un piede nel Futuro!

Le relazioni internazionali diventano elemento centrale dell’attività di
Le iniziative di europrogettazione e di implementazione di progetti comunitari costituiscono un’occasione fondamentale di scambio multiculturale e per la costruzione di nuove reti e opportunità
Cooperativa Rinascita discute di:

Progettazione Comunitaria e Cooperazione Internazionale allo Sviluppo


– Nuove opportunità e prospettive (Anna Cordella)

– Progettazione Comunitaria e Cooperazione Internazionale allo Sviluppo (Paola Iaconisi)

– Programma Erasmus+ 2014-2020

– Nuovi progetti e partenariati internazionali

– Piattaforma di Coordinamento del Sud Italia per la Cooperazione “Magna Grecia”

– Programma Euro-Med

– Cooperazione Territoriale Europea – Trasfrontaliero IPA Adriatico
Esperienze sul campo e “learning by doing”:
– Training Course “Operation new Youth – On Youth” _ Turchia: timetable/attività e feedback (Alessandro Paglialunga)
– Visita preliminare _ Portogallo: struttura e attività della Casa da Juventude di Amarante. Un’esempio di impresa sociale per i giovani (Federico Renna)
– Cos’è il Servizio Volontario Europeo: competenze da acquisire e prospettive. (Eu Project Manager Giovanna Paola Ariano)



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Cooperazione Internazionale e allo sviluppo

Cooperativa Rinascita è partner di una piattaforma di coordinamento internazionale per lo sviluppo del Sud Italia, che prende il nome di “Magna Grecia”, ne fanno parte organizzazioni di tutto il mondo: Italia, Portogallo, Francia, Togo, Congo, Tunisia, Romania, Bangladesh, Libano, Grecia.
L’obiettivo è quello di pianificare azioni volte a promuovere la Dieta Mediterranea come elemento di sviluppo sostenibile, oltre che il diritto a un’alimentazione sufficiente e sana per tutti.

in corso di programmazione c’è : “First Euro-Mediterranean Forum of South-Italy on MediterraneanDiet” che si terrà nel Settembre 2015 in preparazione dell’ Expo Mondiale della Dieta Mediterranea 2016.


“Magna Grecia” Coordination Platform Of The South Italy

The association
“Futuro Digitale”


“Diversamente Irpinia”

under the High Direction of

The Cultural Fondation “Paolo di Tarso”

Promote the establishment of





The Coordination seats in Terranova da Sibari, Cosenza – Italy, at the main office of the
Association “Futuro Digitale”

The Coordination is based on a system of national and international networks with own resources and experiences. Associations, Foundations, NGOs who are seating in the following regions can be part of coordination: Calabria, Campania, Puglia, Basilicata and Sicily.
Coordination aims to support: the implementation and adoption of best practices; the creation of a strong and supportive network between associations and civil society; the defense of vulnerable groups; the human, social and territorial development through democratic values. The Coordination has a great experience in these fields given by its more-than-ten-years activity in the South of Italy.

Structure of Coordination

The Coordination will be made of:

  • – n° 10 Members, having technical and operational roles. Members will be Organizations/Institutions selected by the promoting entities.
  • – National and international Partners, will be part of Coordination Network and will have the role of institutional supporter.

Coordination Membership will be done through the following steps:

  1. Applicant submitted the adhesion to the Coordination;
  2. Reception and Sign of a Memorandum of Understanding;

Coordination Members will have to prove their experience in the field of cooperation and will have the role of:

  • – Promoting mission, vision and values
  • – Contributing to project preparation and management with reference to European and International calls on cooperation

The following professional profiles will be in charge of managing the Coordination:

  • – High direction: Fondazione “Paolo di Tarso”
  • – Responsible: D.ssa Annalicya Vassallo
  • – Project Manager/Coordinator: Dr. Vincenzo Apa
  • – Institutional Relations: Dr. Fabio Gallo
  • – Project/Technical Staff: n° 1 representative of organizations/institutions selected as Coordination Members. The responsible person will be the Project Manager/Coordinator.


To promote, develop and protect the multicultural dialogue among people; Human Rights; the solidarity; opportunities of progress, discussion and social justice.


Costruire lavorando insieme un mondo di eque opportunità per tutti i soggetti presenti sui territori attraverso la contaminazioni tra culture e popoli per affermare uguali diritti nella società.

Working together to build a world of equal opportunity for all individuals in the communities,
through the fusion between cultures and people and to assert equal rights in societies.


The Coordination Committee pursues its objectives and its mission inspired by the following values:

  • – Diversity
  • – Solidarity
  • – Respect for human rights
  • – Independence
  • – Democracy and Participation
  • – Honesty and Transparency
  • – Effectiveness and quality of the action
  • – Political impact
  • – Planning and Efficiency
  • – Quality of life

Coordination Functions and Activities

Functions and priority activities of the Coordination are:

  • – Promotion of international cooperation and Euro-Mediterranean cooperation;
  • – Development of worldwide education – EAS;
  • – Cooperation in education and training;
  • – Protection of the food right and the Mediterranean diet;
  • – Food, environmental sustainability and coexistence;
  • – Protection of vulnerable groups and human rights
  • – Protection of equality and solidarity;
  • – Guarantee of gender equality;
  • – Promotion and guarantee of non-discriminatory and anti-racist values;
  • – Promotion of intercultural dialogue and citizenship rights;
  • – Promotion of human rights, childhood rights and youth rights;
  • – Collaboration on European project management;
  • – Cooperation in Social Communication;
  • – Promotion of Democracy and Participation;
  • – Promotion of Microcredit trial;
  • – Design a Digital Citizenship trial (E-Democracy);
  • – Promotion of innovative ideas for children, youth, women and the elderly aggregation;
  • – Creation of a favourable environment to realise innovation and youth startup;
  • – Organisation of cultural exchanges, best practices and mobility in Europe and all over the world;
  • – Creation of a knowledge, expertise and relationships network;
  • – Implementation of partnerships with other associations and private and public authorities;
  • – Promotion of voluntary work as a source of wealth for the territories;
  • – Support awareness raising and advocacy and lobbying campaign.

The Coordination aims at the creation of a collecting system of information about functions listed above in order to provide relevant knowledge for the planning of individual territories. This system implies periodic analysis and mapping contained in useful documents are necessary to get a shared an participated planning on the Center’s activities.
The Coordination represents a service agency linked to territories where its partners operate. It has several functions as planning projects, assuring social innovation, promoting research and development for the professional growth of its own members.
The peculiarity of the center is “thinking and operating in network” in order to create integrated networks in different territories. Center’s task is also looking for funds at regional, national and European level to support its activities and services. Its goal is the promotion of integrated services for individuals and communities valuing local human resources to create opportune social, economic and administrative conditions for the development of solidarity.
The Centre represents also a meeting point for people and youth because it informs about policies, rights, employment opportunities and cultural exchanges.
The working methodology is based on a democratic and participatory approach. The entire system of the Centre in fact, is founded on a perspective of sharing objectives and methods with other
actors as government agencies, labour unions, third sector, etc.

Coordination Objectives

1) To share models, tools and innovative experiences in the field of services for individuals and communities for the development of local economy, also in an European perspective;
2) To guarantee technical assistance for social enterprises supporting their growth and their product and service quality;
3) To implement research, innovation and development in social, health, education fields;
4) To support the skills development of workers in social planning;
5) To promote innovative methodologies and tools assuring multicultural dialogue, political consultation, democratic participation and strategic partnerships;
6) To develop new cooperation opportunities in the field of “Sustainable Food Governance” (ONU 2010) to promote environmental sustainability and to get new generations to know better Earth and agriculture;
7) To enter into regional, national, European and international networks building strong partnerships and creating a database about social and cooperation projects;
8) To encourage the participation of young people, and vulnerable groups in social, civil and political life of cities;
9) To assure forms of inclusion, integration and non-discrimination of vulnerable and disadvantaged person;
10) To realize a network linking creative talents who can cooperate qualifying different territories;
11) To create a virtual and physical space for the exchange of informations, strategies, and ideas;
12) To prevent, tackle and monitor discrimination based on gender identity, ethnic or geographical origin, nationality, disability, age, religion and belief;
13) To promote awareness raising about Human Rights, food sovereignty and democracy;
14) To create a network to simplify meeting among young people, women and work. This network, called “Itinerant Village for Orientation and Work” carries out following services: reception, information and orientation, promotion and support for integration work, cultural mediation, support business creation.

Integrated Managment

The Coordination management, in order to achieve the goals, will have an integrated management among the Partners.
Integrated management is an innovative tool because it allows to operate in different sectors and regions with common objectives and methodologies creating human, social, civil, political and economic development of territories and supporting the international solidarity.
It is also considered a system that connect proposals and shares interests in a long-term perspective to develop own resources, to increase opportunities and to achieve own goals.
Finally the integrated management represents also a form of cooperation between partners that operates in order to make strategic choices.


The Coordination will collaborate with the European Union, the Ministries, the Regions, the Governments, the Universities in order to enlarge he range of services in the territories and to provide development opportunities. These collaborations will be defined in the annually established programme.

Members of the Coordination are international NGOs and organizations with proven experience in the field of cooperation and will have the task:

  • – to promotethemission, visionand values
  • – to contributeto the realizationof projectsfor participation inEuropean and internationalcallson Cooperation


  1. APSHSTDC – Assoc. Portuguesa de Saúde, Hig. Segurança no Trabalho, Desenvolvimento e Coop.Int. ONGD (Portogallo),
  3. ADIPS- Actions pour le Développement Intégral des Personnes Synistrées (Congo),
  5. COPE (Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti) (Italy, Catania),
  6. MATERAHUB (Italy, Matera),
  7. EURO-NET (Italy, Potenza),
  9. LDN- The Lebanese Development Network (Libano),
  10. FOPSIM- Foundation for the Promotion of Social Inclusion Malta (Malta),
  11. CLUB ESPANA DEPORTE (Spagna), www.españ
  12. IEBA- Centro de Iniciativas Empresariais e Sociais (Portogallo),
  13. AEPADO- European Association for the Defense of Human Rights (Romania),
  14. SHELTER (Bangladesh),
  15. A.V.E.S.- Association des Volontaires pour l’Environnement Sain (Togo),
  16. PADIL, SERVICES (Tunisia),
  17. OENEF, Association of Active Youths of Florina (Grecia),

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Allestimenti per piccoli e grandi eventi

Servizio completo di supporto al noleggio e assistenza per allestimenti.

Noleggio, trasporto e montaggio di strutture, per eventi e spettacoli:

– Palchi (fino a 18 mt x 15) e pedane di diverse misure

– Gruppi Elettrogeni

– Sedie (fino a 1000)

– Gazebo e stand fieristici

– Previsioni Audio e Luci

Per info contattare l’ Area Servizi al numero: 0832 94 88 79


Programma Erasmus +



  • Cooperativa Rinascita, con l’adesione al nuovo Programma Europeo di educazione e formazione per giovani lavoratori e imprenditori ERASMUS+ (con particolare attenzione alle azioni chiave KA1 – Scambi giovanili e KA2 – partenariati strategici) ha offerto un’importante opportunità di crescita professionale a 3 operatori della Cooperativa, che durante l’ultima settimana di agosto 2014 hanno svolto una attività di conoscenza e formazione insieme con nuovi partner europei, all’estero.
  • Federico, è stato in visita preliminare ad Amarante in Portogallo, presso la Casa da Juventude, una struttura attiva dal 2009 sul piano degli scambi giovanili e del volontariato internazionale per la diffusione del Fair Trade e di stili di vita sostenibili basati sulla solidarietà.
  • Paola ed Alessandro, sono stati invece ad Edirne, in Turchia dove hanno avuto modo di incontrare diversi giovani operatori provenienti da tutta Europa, con ii quali si sono confrontati sui temi della lotta alla marginalizzazione e hanno discusso di azioni relative al’inclusione sociale riguardo le categorie più svantaggiate. Il programma del training “Operation New Youth – On Youth” è stato organizzato dalla ONG turca YouthQuake, e ha compreso anche delle visite ai campi profughi e ai campi delle Comunità Rom della zona.

Queste sono alcune diapositive del programma “Operation New Youth – On Youth”









Rinascita – Università del Salento – Ass.UDU

Tutti in corsi sono stati realizzati in partenariato con l’Università del Salento e l’Ass. UDU

logo_rinascita università-salento UDU_logo_UIBM

– AUTOCAD 2D (2013 – 2014)


– WEB E GRAPHIC DESIGNER (2010 – 2012 – 2013)

– CORSO WEB 2.0 (2011- 2013- 2014)


– AUTOCAD AVANZATO IN 3D (2011 – 2014)

– SCRIVERE DI MUSICA: Giornalismo e Critica Musicale (2011)